SW: 韓国の公開テスト(8月14日)

TOEIC Listening & Reading Testと同様にTOEIC Speaking & Writing Testsも韓国とは公開テスト日が違うようです。このブログでは韓国で8月14日(日)実施のTOEIC Speaking Testをハッカーズ・サイトの内容に基づいてレビューします。


Part1. Read a text aloud

  • Preparation Time: 45 seconds
  • Response Time: 30 seconds

Q1. 機内アナウンス

  1. Lの発音に注意
  2. assistant:アクセントと発音に注意
  3. /-rn/ に注意:burn, learn, earn
  4. /i/ determine, December
  5. A, B, and C:列挙している文章のイントネーションに注意

Q2. イベント前のアナウンス

  1. /lm/:elm
  2. /f/:foundation, favorite
  3. /-al/:animal, educational
  4. participate
  5. A, B, and C

Par2. Describe a picture

  • Preparation Time: 30 seconds
  • Response Time: 45 seconds


This picture was taken in a dining room.

The first thing I see is a man sitting at a table. He is eating something with a spoon. In front of the man, a telescope and some items are scattered on the table. Also, I can see some jackets hanging on the chairs.

Behind the man, there are two people. They are sitting at a table and having food, too. In the background of the picture, I can see two people standing at a counter. It seems that one of them is paying for something.

Generally, it seems like the people are having food in the restaurant.

Part3. Respond to questions


Q4. When & Why

Q. 最後にパソコンを買ったのはいつで、何故買ったのか?

A. The last time I bought a new computer was last month. At that time, my old computer was broken and my friends recommended me a good one.

Q5. Where

Q. どこで買うのがいいか?

A. The best place to buy a computer is an online shopping mall. It offers nice computers to customers at cheaper prices.

Q6. Description

Q. パソコンを買う時に決め手になるのは?

A. I think brand is the most important factor in deciding to buy a computer. Computers from good brands are usually better than computers from less famous brands. Also, brand name companies usually offer better customer services. So I think it would be better to consider brands when I decide to buy a computer.

Part4. Respond to questions using information provided.

  • Information provided: 日程表
  • Information analysis time: 30 seconds

Q7. Ask a particular schedule

  • Response Time: 15 seconds

Q. 最初のミーティングの時間と場所は?

A. The meeting will be held from(時間)and it will take place at(場所).

Q8. Verify information

  • Response Time: 15 seconds

Q. このイベントの日程はあってますか?

A. No,(イベント)will be held from(時間)to(時間). It will take place in the afternoon, not in the morning.

Q9. Provide all relevant (additional) information

  • Response Time: 30 seconds

Q. (議題)に関するイベントはありますか?

A. There are two events. The first schedule is(日程の詳細)and it will be held from(時間). The second schedule is(日程の詳細)and it will be held from(時間).

Part5. Propose a solution

  • Preparation Time: 30 seconds
  • Response Time: 60 seconds

Q10. 電話メッセージで問題点をまとめて解決策も提示


Hello,(相手の名前). This is(自分の名前),(the position). I want to tell you about the problem from your call. 

According to your message, I understand that we have opened a community garden for residents to grow their vegetables and fruits. However, many people haven’t done it before and don’t know how to do it. We already post directions on our website but it didn’t work. So we are thinking about how to solve this problem.

To solve the problem, I suggest that we should provide a training event for people who don’t know how to garden. They can participate in activities and learn how to start gardening. Also, we can group the people. Then they can share ideas and knowhow together.

If you want to discuss this matter further, please feel free to call me anytime. Have a nice day!

Part6. Express an opinion

  • Preparation Time: 15 seconds
  • Response Time: 60 seconds

Q11. 重要な決定を一人で決めるときのdisadvantageは?


I believe that there are some disadvantages of making important decisions without consulting coworkers.

First of all, it is highly possible not to make the best decision. A business leader is responsible for considering various ideas and opinions of workers. So, if the leader makes a decision without consulting coworkers, other workers might not agree with it. Second, making important decisions alone can be stressful. A business leader should think about so many factors before making decisions and it can be so stressful. In the business field, there might be other coworkers who have various experiences and knowledge. If a business leader can get advice from coworkers, making decisions would be less stressful.

For these reasons, I think …… (序論を繰り返す)




TOEIC Speakingシリーズ:http://bit.ly/2aOkSHd

